Rootpac 40

General information

Species: Hybrid of peach tree x almond (Prunus dulcis x Prunus persica) x (Prunus dulcis x Prunus persica).
Origin: Agromillora rootstock breeding program.

 Agronomic characteristics

Vigour: Medium, around 25–30% less than GF–677, although with a well-developed root system.
Compatibility: Good with varieties of peach, nectarine, almond and some varieties of Japanese plum.
Structure: Erect, similar to Garnem.
Yield: Highly productive.
Size: Anticipates ripening by 3 to 7 days depending on the variety. Produces good-size fruit.
Adaptability: It adapts very well to all climates, but especially to warm conditions (low chilling area).
Other features: Green leaf rootstock. Rigid stems (early lignification) with little or no branching in early development stages. Easy handling in nursery.

 Resistances and tolerances

Chlorosis: Moderately tolerant. High requirement of microelements.
Root-knot nematodes: Moderately tolerant.
Agrobacterium tumefaciens: Sensitive.
Rosellinia necatrix: Under study.
Root asphyxia: Similar tolerance to root asphyxia as the most peach and almond tree hybrids.
Salinity: Moderately tolerant.
Root-lesion nematodes: Susceptible.
Armillaria mellea: Sensitive.

Vigour with respect to Garnem*

Average fruit weight (grams)*

* The data are obtained from different geographical areas (Tarragona, Murcia and Seville) for the 2005 and 2007 harvests.
Record in the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO)
Variety name: Nanopac.
Record no.: 2008/0618.



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