Code of Ethics
You are holding the Code of Ethics and Conduct of the Agromillora Group, whose main objective is to reinforce and spread throughout the organization our Principles, Mission, Vision and Values, and conduct expected in specific situations. This Code will serve as a guide to the various situations we may face at work.

Ethics, principles, and values
Agromillora's ethics, principles and values, which govern the entire code and guide us in specific, already-identified situations or in any new ones that may arise.
General standards
The general guidelines are the basic pillars of the code and are comprised of the following: Anti-corruption Policy, Regulatory Compliance and Respect for Human Rights.

Conduct guidelines
When we take into account ethics, along with the company’s Principles, Mission, Vision and Values, and the General Guidelines, we can identify situations that might lead to some sort of ethical dilemma.
Our code identifies these potential situations and establishes Conduct Guidelines that indicate the expected behavior in each of them. In this point, we identify situations that involve relationships within our organization and others associated with external relationships.

Part 3
Management of the Code involves making decisions regarding how they are to be disseminated and how people should adhere to the Code.
Management of the Code of Ethics also takes into account the existence of an Ethics Committee which, among other responsabilities, manages the inquiry and whistleblower channel.
We also have a disciplinary system that identifies the corresponding penalties when violations of the code are detected

Ethics, principles, and values
Part 1.
The ethics, principles, and values of Agromillora, which govern the entire code, and guide us in specific situations already identified or in new situations.
Based on these basic pillars of mandatory compliance with GENERAL STANDARDS
General standards
Part 2. General standards are the basic pillars of the code and consist of: Anti-corruption policy, Regulatory compliance, and Respect for Human Rights.

Part 3
Code management involves making decisions about how its dissemination is carried out and how people should adhere to the Code.
Code management also takes into account the existence of an Ethics Committee which, among other responsibilities, manages the consultation and reporting channel.
We also have a disciplinary system in which the corresponding sanctions are identified when a breach of the code is detected.